Imagine Media Productions
Is comhlacht teilifíse neamhspléach é Imagine Media Productions. Léiríonn muid cláracha Béarla agus Gaeilge d'ardchaighdeán don lucht féachana in Éirinn agus sa Riocht Aontaithe. Bíonn muid ag léiriú cláracha Gaeilge don teilifís agus ar líne agus bíonn foireann bheag le Gaeilge san oifig an t-am ar fad. Má tá smaointí agaibh do chláracha teilifíse Gaeilge trí ardán ar bith, bheadh fáilte mhór romhat teacht i dteagmháil linn chun tuilleadh a phlé.
Imagine Media Productions is an independent television company. We produce high quality English and Irish language programming for audiences in Ireland and the United Kingdom. We produce Irish language programs for television and online and there is a small staff with Irish in the office at all times. If you have ideas for Irish language television programs through any platform, you would be most welcome to contact us to discuss further.