Ionad Naomh Pádraig
Is coiste deonach iad coiste stiúrtha an Ionaid, mar atá Coiste Forbartha Dhobhair atá ag saothrú leo go beo bisiúil ar mhaithe le pobal na háite.
Bíonn mórtas cine 's ceantair i gcroí lár a gcuid iarrachtaí uilig agus iad i mbun a gcuid oibre ag éisteacht le agus ag gníomhú ar son baill uilig an phobail, chun go mbeadh deis ag achan duine, idir leanbh 's liath, sult agus pléisiúr a bhaint as saol na Gaeltachta agus as an réimhse leathan imeachtaí sóisialta, cúltartha agus oideachasúil a chuirtear ar fáil díofa in Ionad Naomh Pádraig.
Raising over €835,000 worth of funding (including the community’s own contribution of €125,000 culminated in the erection of the first phase of a local resource and enterprise centre (Ionad Naomh Pádraig)of 500 ft2, which was completed in March 2006.
This important community facility acts as a key focal point for over 2,500 people within the community and its surrounding areas. We successfully provide recreational, sports, social and cultural activities, educational and IT classes for approximately 1,181 people each week, within our Centre, which incorporates a computer suite, auditorium/sports hall, games room, meeting rooms and enterprise unit.