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AN ARDTEIST: ‘Irish paper 2 was so sexy’

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Sásta go maith de réir dealraimh a bhí daltaí na hArdteiste leis an dara páipéar Gaeilge i mbliana.

Bhí Contance Markievicz, Neil Armstrong agus an Direánach triúr ar Pháipéar 2 Gaeilge na hArdteiste ar maidin agus mheas go leor gur pháipéar deas a bhí ann.

Bhí daltaí atá ag déanamh na staire don Ardteist go háirithe sásta leis na píosaí léamhthuisceana.

Irish paper 2 was sexy #leavingcert

— Eoghan Courtney (@ECourtney2406) 11 Meitheamh 2019

HL irish paper 2 was so sexy thank you sec after that nonsense listening #LeavingCert

— emma (@ripavengers) 11 Meitheamh 2019

comprehensions on both history AND space ?? did the SEC read my mind ?? #leavingcert2019

— éabha | exams (@achxllcs) 11 Meitheamh 2019

So i left irish 40 minutes early but i wrote all the right amounts?? comprehensions and an triail Q were actually sent from the gods 😩😩 #LeavingCert2019

— Beic Mac Cú Uladh (@siiingstreet) 11 Meitheamh 2019

when the comprehensions on irish paper 2 are on constance markievicz and the space race and you’re a leaving cert history student who has both of those things on their course #LeavingCert

— sinéad mooney (@honeymooney_) 11 Meitheamh 2019

i started GRINNING when i saw my feminist queen appear i was actually shook. irish paper 2 is woke af🥰🥰🥰

— aoife (@camzjergai) 11 Meitheamh 2019

Bhí díomá ar dhaltaí inné nach raibh ‘An Córas Sláinte’ i measc na n-aistí ar pháipéar a haon, ach dán a bhí ar an bpáipéar inniu is mó a bhí ag déanamh tinnis dóibh.

Is cosúil gur beag duine a bhí ag súil le ‘An tEarrach Thiar’ le Máirtín Ó Direáin a fheiceáil ar pháipéar an lae inniu.

that irish paper was actually LOVELY except an Tearrach thiar, you can get in the bin hun x #LeavingCert2019

— chloe (@chloebissettt) 11 Meitheamh 2019

As soon as I saw “An tEarrach Thiar” and not Colscaradh or Mo Ghrása on #irishpaper2 #leavingcert

— Emily O’Shaughnessy (@Emilyoshaugh0) 11 Meitheamh 2019

when I saw an t-earrach thiar on that paper #LeavingCert2019 #leavingcert

— bri (@newsiesdodie) 11 Meitheamh 2019

Take me to the prick that decided to put An tEarrach Thiar on Paper 2..

I just wanna talk. 🔪#LeavingCert2019 #HLIrish

— Amy (@iAmyIrish) 11 Meitheamh 2019

What the actual fuck was an tearrach thiar doing on Irish paper 2??? How fucking rude

— aoife 🌹 (@aoifeisgr8) June 11, 2019

Ceann de na gearáin ba mhó a bhí ag daoine faoin bpáipéar Gaeilge inniu ná go raibh sé ar siúl an lá céanna leis an bpáipéar Bitheolaíochta, páipéar fada eile.

Whoever decided to put irish paper 2 and biology on the same day should be punished

— Cillian Devlin (@cilliandevlin1) 10 Meitheamh 2019

who actually thought it was okay to put irish paper 2 and biology on the same day

— niamh (@niamhsutton5) 10 Meitheamh 2019

What absolute asshole puts Irish paper 2 and biology on the same day 😤😤

— Michelle O’Riordan (@michelleor7) 10 Meitheamh 2019

Watching everyone go home after Irish but you do biology #LeavingCert

— Claudia 💖 (@claudiabitchxo) 11 Meitheamh 2019

Bhí dream eile sásta iad féin a bheith le feiceáil ar an bpáipéar inniu.

O mo dhia! Táimid anseo ar scrúdú Gaeilge san Ardteist 2019! Comhghairdeas le gach duine a rinne an páipéar ar maidin agus an t-ádh is fearr libh as do scrúduithe #LeavingCert2019

— EIRSAT-1 (@EIRSAT1) 11 Meitheamh 2019

Agus bhí dalta amháin ar a laghad buíoch go raibh an scrúdú Gaeilge thart…

After all of the tears, rants, moaning and worrying, I survived leaving cert higher level Irish🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 #LeavingCert2019

— Meg (@MegsGoPro) 11 Meitheamh 2019

Níos mó