Irish in English-speaking schools
This article describes the different resources and events that help pupils in English-language schools to develop and use Irish confidently and effectively.
Even in English-speaking schools Irish can be promoted and taught in an inspiring and interesting manner. There are many ways to create interest in the language, whether it be through games, posters or decorated signs, providing Irish language books or even just using Irish in normal conversation outside the classroom. There are many events organised nationally that Irish classes can take part in. Many of them can be found on this page below.
Irish language books
There are an abundance of beautiful books in Irish available for young people and children. They can be found on the website for An Siopa Leabhar or they can be ordered directly from publishers located around the country. More information regarding shops and publications can be found here.
Comhrá 24/7
Comhrá takes place once throughout the year. Online a continues Irish conversation takes place all in Irish so people around the world can take part. Various groups both in Ireland and abroad take part in the live conversation, a project which first took place in 2013 as part of Bliain na Gaeilge. You can find more information by sending an email to snag@cnag.ie or by calling 01 4757401
Seó Bóthair
The ‘Road Show’ has gained fame as an essential part of the school calendar each year. We will be on the road every week encouraging students in schools all around the country. You can find more info about the ‘Road Show’ by clicking here.
Gaeilge 24
Gaeilge 24 is a challenge that pushes you to only speak Irish for a whole day. The aim of the challenge is to encourage young people to use Irish for 24 hours in total: at school, at home, with friends, in shops, in sport clubs and other places! You can register or find more information here.
Order educational resources
If you are looking for classroom support resources, Foras na Gaeilge have a wide range of facilities for schools at primary and post-primary level.
To order resources contact: eolas@forasnagaeilge.ie, or call 01 6398400.
Updated: May 2024