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‘The Coronavirus has defeated the sraith pictiúr’ – an phaindéim agus an scrúdú cainte á bplé

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D’fhógair an tAire Oideachais Joe McHugh inné go mbeidh lánmharcanna á dtabhairt do gach dalta i scrúduithe cainte na hArdteiste, a bhí le tosú an tseachtain seo chugainn.

I gcás na Gaeilge, is ionann an scrúdú cainte agus 40% de na marcanna ar fad, rud a chiallaíonn nach dteipfidh ar aon duine sa scrúdú Gaeilge Ardteistiméireachta i mbliana.

Spreag an scéal an-chuid cainte i measc daltaí agus iardhaltaí ar na meáin shóisialta le cúpla lá. Bhí roinnt daltaí ag ceiliúradh deireadh a bheith curtha leis na scrúduithe cainte, bhí daltaí eile míshásta go mbeadh an marc céanna á fháil ag gach duine agus thapaigh daoine eile an deis súil siar a chaitheamh ar a scrúduithe cainte féin.

Is léir gur crá croí agus ábhar grinn araon í an tSraith Pictiúr agus an-chuid cainte déanta fúithi ar Twitter.

The coronavirus has defeated the sraith pictiúr.

— Numbertheory 数论 (@numbertheory666) March 19, 2020

Can’t believe wans will be coming to college in September without knowing a single sraith pictiúr. Country’s gone to the dogs.

— A southern star is born x (@JackCoughlan7) March 19, 2020

All Leaving Cert 2020 students will remember Joe McHugh as a hero who saved us all from walking into the Irish oral not knowing twenty sraiths, praying that the easiest one comes up. #LeavingCert2020

— Niamh Cox (@nixmhcox) March 19, 2020

Imagine memorising the 20 sraith pictiúr for the last 2 years only to have the orals canceled because of a global pandemic

— Megan Ross 🔍 (@megan___ross) March 19, 2020

Not gonna lie, all this talk about orals and the #LeavingCert has made me think about how good of a Sraith Pictiúr this whole thing would be…

— Eva Mannion (@mannion_eva) March 19, 2020

Ní túisce an cinneadh an scrúdú cainte a chur ar ceal fógartha ag an Roinn Oideachais nuair a thosaigh daltaí ag caitheamh a gcuid nótaí uile sa bhruscar.

sraith pictiúr burning party, who’s in???

— luke (@wiskeyfeathers) March 19, 2020

Before and after . Well this day can’t get any better I have to say . Imagine spending 2 years learning 20 of these Sraith Pictiúrs and then they get cancelled a couple of days before the oral exams on Monday . What a feeling 😍Slán Scrúdú béil ☘️and Au Revoir L’oral 🇫🇷

— Gina Carroll (Gina Ní Chéariúl) (@Gina46747371) March 19, 2020

Mar sin féin, bhí dream beag ann a mheas go raibh deis caillte acu.

As much as I’m happy I don’t have to do the Irish oral. I’m kind of sad I didn’t get to go into my oral and give an Oscar worthy performance of Géibheann le Caitlín Maude #LeavingCert2020

— Niamh Cox (@nixmhcox) March 19, 2020

Thug an phaindéim atá ann faoi láthair deis do dhaoine eile brí nua a bhaint as ábhar Gaeilge na hArdteiste chomh maith.


— OLOYÉ (@estherMiaJay) March 19, 2020

Bhí roinnt daoine den tuairim nach raibh sé féaráilte go raibh lánmharcanna á dtabhairt do gach duine i mbliana, ach mar a mhaígh duine amháin, cuireann an éiginnteacht atá ann i láthair na huaire brú breise ar dhaltaí atá fós ag ullmhú don Ardteist.

“I studied hard for my leaving cert when I did it so it’s not fair that they get 100% for the orals now😤”

Aye but you didn’t have a global pandemic disrupting your exams, loss of all class time and the very real fear of your at risk loves ones dying for added stress

— Jo Lee (@joelymc) March 19, 2020

Níos mó