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Age Group 4 - 12
Irish-Medium Schools
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Irish Colleges (Gaeltacht Summer Courses)
The Gaelbhratach
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Age Group 18 - 22
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Irish Third-Level Courses
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Terminology and Grammar Tools Online
The Official Languages ​​Act 2003
Irish Language Strategies in the Republic and in the North
Irish Language Commissioner
The European Charter for Minority Languages
Using state services through Irish
Get Involved with Conradh na Gaeilge
Research and Submissions
Irish Language Careers Booklet
Irish language jobs in Europe
Irish language jobs in Ireland
Information Sheet on Job Possibilities
Top tips for people looking for jobs with Irish

An feachtas ‘Stoptar an Bás ar an A5’

| Dáithí Anraí |

In 2007 fógraíodh go raibh sé beartaithe bóthar débhealaigh a thógáil idir Achadh na Cloiche i gContae Thír Eoghain agus Cathair Dhoire. Níl aon dul chun cinn déanta ó shin áfach agus tá frustrachas mór ar dhaoine, go háirithe ar mhuintir an cheantair a chaithfidh taisteal ar an bhóthar dáinsearach atá ann faoi láthair achan lá.

Seoladh an feachtas ‘Stoptar an Bás ar an A5’ i mí Eanáir na bliana seo i ndiaidh do líon mór daoine bás a fháil ar an bhóthar. I mí Dheireadh Fómhair seo caite, maraíodh fear óg, John Rafferty, a d’imir faoi aois leis an chontae agus lena club féin, Coill an Chlochair. Ag an phointe sin, dúirt ball an chumainn agus cathaoirleach an fheachtais, Niall McKenna, go raibh orthu rud éigin a dhéanamh chun stop a chur leis.

Tá 47 nduine i ndiaidh bás a fháil ar an bhóthar A5 ón bhliain 2007. Cailleadh cuid mhór daoine ar an bhóthar idir Dún Geanainn agus Baile Uí Dhálaigh thar na blianta agus mar sin fuair siad uasghradú ar an bhóthar sin. De réir na staitisticí, tá laghdú 97% ar líon na mbásanna ar an bhóthar áirithe sin. Táthar anois ag iarraidh an dul chun cinn céanna a fháil ar an A5?

Thug Meon Eile cuairt ar Ionad CLG Thír Eoghain atá lonnaithe i nGarbhachadh, croílár na peile agus na hiomána sa chontae agus an áit a mbíonn na foirne uilig i mbun traenála. Labhair muid le hiarpheileadóir Chontae Thír Eoghain, Mark Harte, chun níos mó eolais a fháil faoin fheachtas tábhachtach. Tá Mark agus clann s’aige ina gcónaí ar an bhóthar A5 agus mar sin tá taithí nach beag acu ar an chontúirt a bhaineann leis.

Chuaigh Meon Eile i dteagmháil leis an Roinn Bonneagair le heolas a fháil ar cad é go díreach atá ar bun faoi láthair chun tús a chur leis an phleanáil do dhébhealach an A5. Seo thíos an ráiteas a cuireadh ar fáil dúinn:

“The upgrade of the A5 dual carriageway is essential, first and foremost to improve road safety. The Department is acutely aware of the collision history along the existing road. Too many lives have been lost and our sincere condolences go out to all those families who have lost a loved one. We also sympathise with those who have been injured in road traffic collisions.

“The Department is doing all that we can within our powers to progress the A5 Western Transport Corridor project in line with statutory procedures. A public inquiry on the project reconvened from 15th May until 2nd June in the Strule Arts Centre, Omagh. It is anticipated that a final report from the Planning Appeals Commission will follow later in the year. Subject to the successful completion of all statutory procedures and environmental assessments and the availability of funding, construction work could commence during 2024.

“The Department is continuing to engage with the appointed contractors to ensure a readiness for construction when the public inquiry process is completed and if / when a decision to proceed with the scheme is made. The Department has recently completed a comprehensive review of the project estimate to account for factors such as current rates of construction inflation. The latest project estimate is £1.6bn.

“The Department also remains committed to carrying out improvements to the existing road. In recent years there have been a number of schemes completed on the A5 to enhance road user safety including resurfacing and realignment works, enhanced street lighting, road markings and signage as well as improvements for pedestrians. Officials will continue to work closely with the PSNI to identify any further measures that can be taken to improve safety on the existing A5 road, subject to public expenditure processes.”

Níos mó