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Age Groups
Age Group 4 and under
Irish names
Using Irish with your children
Speaking Irish to your grandchildren
Raising children with Irish outside the Gaeltacht
Raising children through Irish in the Gaeltacht
Support, services & facilities
Age Group 4 - 12
Irish-Medium Schools
Benefits of All-Irish Education
Irish Colleges (Gaeltacht Summer Courses)
The Gaelbhratach
Irish Language Festivals
Support, services & facilities
Age Group 12 - 18
Irish-Medium Schools
Benefits of All-Irish Education
Summer Colleges
The Gaelbhratach
Irish Language Festivals
Using Your Irish Name
Support, services & facilities
Age Group 18 - 22
Learn Irish: 18-22 year olds
Irish Third-Level Courses
Irish Language Festivals
Support, services & facilities
Age Group 22+
Irish language jobs in Ireland
Irish Classes for Adults
Get Involved in the Movement with Conradh na Gaeilge
Conversation Circles
Irish Language Festivals
Support, services & facilities
Community Newsletter
Services Available through Irish
Conversation Circles
The Gaeltacht
Community Groups
Irish Language Centres
Supports Available for Businesses
Irish Language Festivals
Irish Week / Seachtain na Gaeilge
5 Tips
Awareness Events
Irish-language Books
Irish Language Podcasts
Television and radio in Irish
Lead organisations
Learning Irish
Irish-Medium Schools
Irish in English-speaking schools
Irish Classes for Adults
Irish Third-Level Courses
Irish-language services for schools
Terminology and Grammar Tools Online
The Official Languages ​​Act 2003
Irish Language Strategies in the Republic and in the North
Irish Language Commissioner
The European Charter for Minority Languages
Using state services through Irish
Get Involved with Conradh na Gaeilge
Research and Submissions
Irish Language Careers Booklet
Irish language jobs in Europe
Irish language jobs in Ireland
Information Sheet on Job Possibilities
Top tips for people looking for jobs with Irish
Age Groups
Age Group 4 and under
Irish names
Using Irish with your children
Speaking Irish to your grandchildren
Raising children with Irish outside the Gaeltacht
Raising children through Irish in the Gaeltacht
Support, services & facilities
Age Group 4 - 12
Irish-Medium Schools
Benefits of All-Irish Education
Irish Colleges (Gaeltacht Summer Courses)
The Gaelbhratach
Irish Language Festivals
Support, services & facilities
Age Group 12 - 18
Irish-Medium Schools
Benefits of All-Irish Education
Summer Colleges
The Gaelbhratach
Irish Language Festivals
Using Your Irish Name
Support, services & facilities
Age Group 18 - 22
Learn Irish: 18-22 year olds
Irish Third-Level Courses
Irish Language Festivals
Support, services & facilities
Age Group 22+
Irish language jobs in Ireland
Irish Classes for Adults
Get Involved in the Movement with Conradh na Gaeilge
Conversation Circles
Irish Language Festivals
Support, services & facilities
Community Newsletter
Services Available through Irish
Conversation Circles
The Gaeltacht
Community Groups
Irish Language Centres
Supports Available for Businesses
Irish Language Festivals
Irish Week / Seachtain na Gaeilge
5 Tips
Awareness Events
Irish-language Books
Irish Language Podcasts
Television and radio in Irish
Lead organisations
Learning Irish
Irish-Medium Schools
Irish in English-speaking schools
Irish Classes for Adults
Irish Third-Level Courses
Irish-language services for schools
Terminology and Grammar Tools Online
The Official Languages ​​Act 2003
Irish Language Strategies in the Republic and in the North
Irish Language Commissioner
The European Charter for Minority Languages
Using state services through Irish
Get Involved with Conradh na Gaeilge
Research and Submissions
Irish Language Careers Booklet
Irish language jobs in Europe
Irish language jobs in Ireland
Information Sheet on Job Possibilities
Top tips for people looking for jobs with Irish

Mórthionól na gCeanneagraíochtaí agus na nOifigeach Pleanála Teanga 2023

| Dáithí Anraí |

Gach cúpla mí eagraíonn Údaras na Gaeilge imeacht ina dtagann na ceanneagraíochtaí agus na hOifigigh Pleanála Teanga ó gach cearn den tír le chéile le haghaidh mórthionóil. Thar chúpla lá bíonn ceardlanna acu, agus plé faoin Ghaeilge ina bpobail féin agus faoi na bealaí chun an teanga a fheabhsú agus a fhorbairt.

I mbliana, den chéad uair riamh, reáchtáladh na himeachtaí i mBéal Feirste. Thug an grúpa mór cuairt ar go leor ionad agus scoileanna Gaeilge sa chathair, chomh maith leis an Spórtlann agus Raidió Fáilte. 

Tugadh cuireadh do Meon Eile freastal ar na himeachtaí agus labhair muid le Ciarán Mac Giolla Bhéin ó Fhís an Phobail a bhí ina chathaoirleach ar an lá. Labhair muid le Siubhán Nic Grianna ó Údaras na Gaeilge a dúirt go mbaineann imeachtaí mar seo le caidreamh a chothú idir grúpaí éagsúla ó gach cearn den tír.

Mhínigh triúr oifigigh dúinn cad é a shíl siad den léargas ar an obair atá ar siúl i mBéal Feirste, mar a bhí: Chloe Ní Mháille as Inis Oirr, Laoise Ní Dhúda as Maigh Eo agus Dónall Ó Cnáimhsí as Gaoth Dobhair.

Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil anseo.

Níos mó