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Terminology and Grammar Tools Online
The Official Languages ​​Act 2003
Irish Language Strategies in the Republic and in the North
Irish Language Commissioner
The European Charter for Minority Languages
Using state services through Irish
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Irish Language Careers Booklet
Irish language jobs in Europe
Irish language jobs in Ireland
Information Sheet on Job Possibilities
Top tips for people looking for jobs with Irish

8 moladh do thuras lae iontach in Éirinn

| PEIG |

Réaltóireacht i gCaisleán na Carraige Duibhe | Stargazing in Blackrock Castle

An bhfuil spéis agat sa réaltóireacht? Ní féidir an mhian sin a shásamh ach in aon slí amháin – tapaigh an deis agus cuairt a thabhairt ar Chaisleán na Carraige Duibhe i gCorcaigh. Bíonn réimse leathan taispeántas agus imeachtaí ar siúl acu i rith na bliana dírithe ar óg agus aosta araon. Is é “Cosmos at the Castle” imeacht iontach a thugann léargas faoin gcruinne, faoi fhionnachtana tábhachtacha a thit amach sa stair agus faoin spás fada uainn.  Tuilleadh eolais ar shuíomh an Chaisleáin anseo.

Do you have an interest in stargazing? Feed your desire with a visit to Blackrock Castle Observatory in Cork.  This family-suitable activity includes a wide range of events and exhibits throughout the year suitable for both young and old. The award winning exhibit “Cosmos at the Castle” is an excellent way to learn about the universe, recent important discoveries and outer space. You can find more information regarding the exhibitions here.

Fairtheoireacht míolta móra in iarthar Chorcaí | Whale watching in West Cork

Is deis iontach seo breathnú ar cheann de na mamaigh is mó ar domhain. Is gníomhaíocht thar a bheith uathúil í agus fanfaidh na cuimhní leat ar feadh na mblianta. Tá na deiseanna is fearr chun breathnú ar mhíolta móra san Atlantach Thuaidh ar bord an Holly Joe le comhlacht darb ainm Cork Whale Watch. Féach ar shuíomh idirlín Cork Whale Watch anseo.

Whale watching is a humbling and unique experience which brings us humans up close and personal with some of the largest animals on earth. Cork Whale Watch in West Cork take pride in providing the best and most memorable whale watching experience for their customers aboard their boat called the Holly Jo. Pay a visit to their website here.

Turas lae i mBinn Éadair | A day out in Howth

Tá radharcanna áille le feiceáil i mBinn Éadair. Tá racharc ar Reachrainn, Inis Mac Neasáin agus Teach Solais Dhún Criofainn i measc áiteanna eile. Is é Beshoff Bros ceann de na “bialanna gasta” is fearr i mBinn Éadair dar linn. Moltar siúl deas sna haillte a dhéanamh roimh ré nó siúlóid bheag ar an gcuan. Bíonn scuaine ann uaireanta ach ná bíodh drogall oraibh fanacht le haghaidh 5 nóimeád i gcomhair do chuid sceallóg, ní bheidh díoma ort! Féach ar shuíomh idirlín Beshoff Bros anseo.

Howth has some of the most stunning views on the east coast of Ireland. Lambay Island, Baily Lighthouse and of course Ireland’s Eye can be seen in all their beauty. The renowned Beshoff Bros fish shop is also a must when in Howth. We recommend going for a stroll down the pier or up the cliffs before or after your meal to soak in the natural beauty in your surroundings. Have a look at Beshoff Bros website here.

Feirm labhandair Loch Garman | Wexford Lavender Farm

Ar an bhfeirm uathúil seo is féidir foghlaim faoi stair labhandair agus faoi na difríochtaí agus dáthanna a bhaineann leis ar Fheirm Labhandair Loch Garman. Tá an ghníomhaíocht seo oiriúnach do theaghlaigh agus tá lear mór roghanna ar fáil do pháistí ar an bhfeirm, coill dhraíochta ina measc. Tá caife álainn ar an láthair chomh maith leis sin más spéis leat do scíth a ligean le linn do chuairte. Téigh chuig suíomh idirlín na feirme anseo.

Go on an adventure and learn about the history of lavender and about its many different types and varieties. Wexford Lavender Farm places a particular emphasis on creating a child-friendly environment and they have many different activities suitable for young kids, one of them being the Enchanted Wood. Parents can relax on the cafe throughout their visit and soak in some of the beauty that the farm provides. Visit the farm’s website here.

Téigh ag rothaíocht ar Ghlasbhealach Mór an Iarthair | Cycle the Great Western Greenway (42km)

Éalaigh ó strus an tsaoil agus bain triail as Glasbhealach Mór an Iarthair, an bealach is faide do rothaíocht agus siúl in Éirinn. Téann an Glasbhealach ar aghaidh ar feadh 42km ar iarbhóthar iarainn ó Chathair na Mart go hOileán Acla. Is féidir leat dul ar seachrán i measc an dúlra gan a bheith buartha faoi ghluaisteáin ag cur isteach ort. Caith súil ar shuíomh idirlín an Ghlasbhealaigh anseo.

The Great Western Greenway is a 42km cycle and walking path that stretches from Westport to Achill on the Mayo coast and has the honor of being the longest off-road walking and cycling trail in Ireland. The greenway runs along what has a former railroad which closed in 1937. For those of you who like a challenge this would be perfect for you. Have a look at the website for the path here.

Bealóideas ag Loch Goir | Lough Gur and its folkloric tradition

Is áit mhistéireach í Loch Goir a bhfuil saibhreas mór seandálaíochta agus béaloidis ag baint leis. Téann stair na háite seo siar go dtí aimsir na clochaoise. Bíonn taispeántais nua-aimseartha ag dul siar 6,000 bliain ar siúl ag an Loch agus cuirtear clostreoireacha ar fáil lena linn. Anuas air sin is féidir breathnú ar thochailt seandálaíochta, freastail ar chur i láthair faoi stair na háite mar aon le roinnt mhaith rudaí eile. Téigh chuig suíomh idirlín an locha anseo.

Lough Gur is a truly unique destination which holds many mysteries as well as a huge wealth of Irish folklore and history dating back as far as the Stone Age. There are a number of exhibitions that provide a deep insight into the significance of the lake and the customs of those who resided there many thousands of years ago. Have a look at the Lough Gur website here.

Folcadán feamainn i Sligeach | Seaweed Baths in Strandhill, Sligo

Is bealach deas é chun do scíth a ligean i bhfolcadán feamainne úr orgánach. B’fhiú duit triail a bhaint as folcadán feamainne má mothaíonn tú faoi strus nó fiú más próiseas díthocsainithe do chraiceann atá á lorg agat. Tá VOYA Seaweed Baths lonnaithe i mbaile cois cósta ar an Leathros i Sligeach. Beidh tú ar do shuaimhneas tar éis cuairt a thabhairt orthu. Féach ar shuíomh idirlín VOYA Seaweed Baths anseo.

Unwind from day to day stresses in a bath of fresh seawater and organic seaweed. Allow yourself to indulge in the relaxing qualities of VOYA Seaweed Baths. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day out or a natural detoxifying process for the skin, have a look at what Seaweed Baths have to offer you in Strandhill, Sligo here.

Droichead rópa Charraig an Ráid | Carrick-a-Rede rope Bridge

Tagann a lán turasóirí go Droichead Rópa Charraig an Ráid. Togadh an droichead aitheanta seo den chéad uair sa bhliain 1755 nuair a bhí iascach bradáin in aice láimhe. Is féidir leat oileán “Islay” in Albain a aimsiú ag bun na spéire ar lá breá geal. Má tá spéis agat a bheith ag faire ar éin tá Charraig an Ráid foirfe duit – aimseoidh tú éin éagsúla cosúil leis an gclamhán, an fabhcún gorm, an fulmaire agus an fhoracha. Má tá spéis agat sna leithéid is féidir leat tuilleadh eolais a fháil anseo.

Carrick-a-Rede bridge is a well known outdoor tourist attraction. The bridge was built in 1755 by salmon fishermen. Apart from the salmon fishery, this attraction has an array of outstanding views off the coast of the island of Ireland. On a clear day you may see the Island of Islay in Scotland. If bird watching is on your bucket list then this is the perfect activity for you – the Buzzard, Peregrine, Fulmar and Guillemots can all be spotted here. Take a look here for more information.