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Age Group 4 - 12
Irish-Medium Schools
Benefits of All-Irish Education
Irish Colleges (Gaeltacht Summer Courses)
The Gaelbhratach
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Age Group 12 - 18
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Benefits of All-Irish Education
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Using Your Irish Name
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Age Group 18 - 22
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Irish Third-Level Courses
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Irish Classes for Adults
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Irish Week / Seachtain na Gaeilge
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Television and radio in Irish
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Irish in English-speaking schools
Irish Classes for Adults
Irish Third-Level Courses
Irish-language services for schools
Terminology and Grammar Tools Online
The Official Languages ​​Act 2003
Irish Language Strategies in the Republic and in the North
Irish Language Commissioner
The European Charter for Minority Languages
Using state services through Irish
Get Involved with Conradh na Gaeilge
Research and Submissions
Irish Language Careers Booklet
Irish language jobs in Europe
Irish language jobs in Ireland
Information Sheet on Job Possibilities
Top tips for people looking for jobs with Irish

‘It doesn’t matter where you come from’ –cur síos fhear Harland and Wolff ar agóid Ghaeilge

| Meabh Ni Thuathalain |

Tá go leor daoine meallta ag an chur síos atá déanta ag oibrí de chuid Harland and Wolff ar an agóid Ghaeilge a rinne sé féin agus a chomhghleacaithe inné.

Agus é faoi agallamh ag Q Radio, rinne Joe Passmore cur síos ar an chairdeas a d’éirigh idir oibrithe an an longtógálaí iomráitigh agus An Dream Dearg, lucht an fheachtais ar son achta Gaeilge ó thuaidh.

Bhí an dá dhream i mbun agóide le linn chuairt Phríomh-Aire na Breataine Boris Johnson ar an Tuaisceart inné.

Agus aird á tarraingt acu ar chás an longchlóis atá i mbaol a dhúnta, chualathas oibrithe Harland and Wolff i mbun cantaireachta i nGaeilge agus ‘Sábháil ár gclós!’ á fhógairt acu.


Bhí go leor daoine meallta ag caint Joe Passmore agus míniú an cheardchumainnaí ar conas mar a tharla sé go raibh sluán Gaeilge á úsáid aige féin agus a chomhghleacaithe inné.

Joe you are the man of today. Maith thú.

— Seamy36 (@seamy36) July 31, 2019

This guy is a hero.

— Midori Magma (@Midori_Magma) July 31, 2019

More of this please. Absolutely brilliant.

— Planet Belfast 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈 (@Planet_Belfast) July 31, 2019

Brilliant, 2 communities 1 voice, the way it should be.

— Deedna (@deedna00) July 31, 2019

San am a caitheadh ba chomhartha sóirt a bhí in Harland and Wolff ar an scoilt i sochaí an Tuaiscirt idir Protastúnaigh agus Caitlicigh.

Le linn na 1920idí díbríodh oibrithe Caitliceacha ón longchlós agus bhí sé ina shiombail ar feadh i bhfad ar an choincheap de Stát Protastúnach don phobal Protastúnach.

Dúirt Joe Passmore gur léirigh eachtra an lae inné “cairdeas” mhuintir an Tuaiscirt.

“Bíonn a dtuairimí agus a n-agóidí féin ag gach duine ach léirigh sé cairdiúlacht mhuintir Thuaisceart Éireann, is cuma cén chúis atá agat nó cé thú fhéin nó cad as duit,” a dúirt Joe Passmore.

Chuaigh an eachtra i bhfeidhm go mór ar dhaoine agus tagraíodh di ar chláir nuachta an BBC agus UTV.

Harland and Wolff workers protesting at Stormont chanted ‘Sábháil ár gclós – Save our shipyard’ with Irish language groups! Great to see struggles connect together – it’s the best way to win #SaveOurShipyard

— Tyler McNally (@TyTLR) July 31, 2019

Many people have always stated that the Irish language can be a catalyst for community reconciliation. Irish speakers see evidence of this everyday but few as powerful as this.

This will be written about in the history books.

Solidarity is a beautiful thing.

— Ciarán MacGiollaBh (@crogallmorglas) July 31, 2019

Nuair a chloistear an Ghaeilge á húsáid ar son agus chun leasa cosmhuintire na tíre, cibé dúchas acu, fásann a cumhacht agus a tionchar. 👏@dreamdearg

— Osgur Ó Ciardha (@OsgurOCiardha) July 31, 2019

Moments like this help working as a journalist here be not so depressing!

— Amanda Ferguson (@AmandaFBelfast) July 31, 2019

Seasaimis le chéile ✊

Unite! @dreamdearg

— Gráinne Ní Ghilín 🅾️ (@SatyaNiGhilin) July 31, 2019

Níos mó