Dunnes: Siopa Crua-Earraí
Cuireann Seán Ó Corcoráin fáilte roimh custaiméirí Gaeilge a labhairt leis sa siopa crua-earraí seo. Tá seirbhís trí Ghaeilge ar fáil sa siopa go dtí 3:30 ó Luan go hAoine agus gach dara Satharn.
Tá réimse leathan d'earraí ar fáil sa siopa agus tá sé suite i lár na cathrach ar Shráid Loch Garman.
Seán Ó Corcoráin welcomes customers to speak Irish in this hardware store. A service through Irish is available in the shop until 3:30 from Monday to Friday and every second Saturday.
The store offers a wide range of goods and is located in the city center on Wexford Street.