Sólás na Mara
Is Ionad Tearnamh é Sólás na Mara ina gcuirtear leighis traidisiúnta is chomhaimseartha agus folcadán feamainne is farraige ar fáil in éineacht le fisiteirpe, suathaireacht agus teirpe scéimhe. Tá súil againn go mbeidh gach duine in ann a scíth a ligint i Sólás na Mara - cuma cén leigheas atá á lorg acu - leigheas ó thinneas, ó spórt nó ó bhrú an tsaoil!
Sólás na Mara is a Recovery Center that offers traditional, contemporary medicine and seaweed as well as sea baths along with physiotherapy, massage and beauty therapy. We hope that everyone will be able to relax in the Sólás na Mara - no matter what medicine they are looking for - a cure from illness, sport or the pressures of life!